Software Development

Automated generation of Letsencrypt certificates on heroku

May 18, 2016

Earlier today, Heroku announced SSL Beta, a way to provide SSL on your heroku-hosted app for a much lower cost than it used to be. This is an awesome feature, entirely in line with all the changes SSL for over the past year.

Simulate Downtime

March 1, 2016

I spend most of my time at Heroku working on our support tools and services; is one such example. Heroku’s help application depends on the Platform API to, amongst other things, authenticate users, authorize or deny access, and fetch user data.

From Ember to Rails

October 13, 2015

Spoiler: this is not a sad story.

Time Out Quickly

December 5, 2014

Working with our support team, I often see customers having timeout problems. Typically, their applications will start throwing H12 errors.

HTTP Streaming in Golang

December 13, 2013

For the past few months, I’ve been experimenting with go quite a bit.

Do you fetch or pull

December 6, 2009

I’m used to, when I want to update my local git repository with the distant one, to use git pull It works well. Until …